September 11, 2020

Scripture, Sexuality, and the Sublime

A conversation with Dr. Christopher Wesley Corbin, executive editor of Earth and Altar magazine, author of The Evangelical Party and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Return to the Church of England (out now with Routledge Press),
The Broken Middle Podcast
The Broken Middle Podcast
Scripture, Sexuality, and the Sublime

About this Episode

A conversation with Dr. Christopher Wesley Corbin, executive editor of Earth and Altar magazine, author of The Evangelical Party and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Return to the Church of England (out now with Routledge Press), and canon to the ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota. We talk about some of the challenges and new lines of promise facing modern interpretation of the Bible, as well as about how Christian mystical theology from the middle ages might provide a key for starting a new conversation about faith in an age of emerging clinical interest in the healing power of psychedelics. 

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